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Student Shield: Don't Stress, SIM Insurance Got Your Back (Mostly)

College life - it's a rollercoaster.

From questionable late-night fridge raids to that rogue soccer ball incident, things can get messy. That's where SIM insurance comes in, acting as your personal health bodyguard for your entire SIM Singapore adventure.

SIM Insurance: The Breakdown (No Textbook Jargon Here)

Think of it like a pre-loaded health piggy bank on steroids (because you don't have to pump money into it!). SIM insurance is a group hospitalization and surgical (GHS) plan that all enrolled students automatically get. It helps provide protection against the burden of hospital bills.

What's In Your Survival Kit of life?

Think of SIM insurance as your financial backup plan for medical emergencies. Here's the deal on what's typically covered:

  • Hospital Bills: Ended up in a government or restructured hospital (think B1 ward) for some unplanned R&R? SIM insurance can help with those medical costs.
  • Surgery Costs: Need surgery? SIM insurance can potentially ease the financial burden of those associated costs.
  • 24/7 Coverage: Pulling an all-nighter cramming or exploring Singapore on a break? SIM insurance has your back all the time. Bonus: you're still covered for SIM-related adventures overseas!

Why Get SIM Insurance?

Medical bills can be a total drag. SIM insurance helps ease that financial stress, allowing you to focus on getting better, not broke. Here are some additional perks:

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you're covered for unexpected medic... Read More

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Whatsapp: 0347-6875899 Girl in a jacket
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